Sancho Panza / Sanchos
Length: 9 1/4" | Ring Gauge: 47
Strength: Medium | Vitola: Gran Corona

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There is no question that this cigar is probably the most striking stick to ever come out of Cuba. When mounted between the teeth you need hazard lights to turn around safely and you need a second person standing at the other end of the room to light it. How fabulous! What many people miss is that owing to their lack of popularity they tend to carry quite a bit of age if you can find them that is. The second thing people forget is that they taste delicious. Light and sweet throughout and the last few inches are sublime. You think to yourself - how did I ever even finish this Titan? But as with all good things even the Sancho Panza Sancho moves seamlessly from this world into the great humidor in the sky and the last few puffs are a final peak of joy. Light one now and enjoy the next few hours of happiness!



Couldn’t agree more. Had one of these recently as an after dinner smoke. Naturally the evening went on extremely late but it was in the company of our favourite textile merchant so of course it was time very well spent.

2 years ago