For your weekly Audience, pray silence for The Proprietor
Greetings fellow Cigar Enthusiasts!
What a fabulous week of contributions, reviews and posts. I particularly liked the photo of the legendary Kirby Allison and our very own Tom Chamberlin smoking their cigars together. Check out Kirby’s fabulous un-boxing video where he enters his new additions onto
How much did we enjoy Syafiera’s interview too? She is our first female ambassador and a true standard bearer for the joys of the cigar world.
We also welcome hundreds of new members in the last few days alone - and from all over the world. It is such a pleasure to know that someone somewhere at any time of the day or night is enjoying a proper cigar and is, stick-by-stick, carefully curating their collections on this site. The team are adding new cigars to the system every day but please let us know if we are missing your favourite vitola and our 24-hour, rapid response, cigar technology team will add it with lightning speed.
Seeing everyone’s collection is a double-edged sword - it is genuinely fascinating reviewing your keeps - but it also ushers in a phenomenon we have dubbed ‘Cigarupmanship’ or ‘cigar envy’. Typically, at a time where prices have never been higher - our appetites are even more whetted! As Proprietor, I should be above such things but alas, I am too weak to resist.
Please continue to post, fill in your bios, send in reviews and enjoy the site. I trust you will have a splendid weekend enjoying something soothing and I hope to see you on Sunday for our Cigar Meet.
Please smoke with sensible responsibility!