Cigar Keep's global community requires legendary figures from all over the world to join us in spreading the news and championing the cause of togetherness. Max Foulkes, son of the legendary Nick Foulkes, was almost born a cigar in his hand. He has been working in the legendary Davidoff shop his entire adult life, and has yet to leave.
1. What kickstarted your passion for cigars?
The first time I visited Davidoff of London I was a baby. I obviously liked it so much I never left. I have the privilege of working for the esteemed Edward and Eddie Sahakian, both of whom I admire greatly. It was my father and the Sahakians that encouraged my interest in cigars. Of course, being the son of my father, the accessories and smoking paraphernalia initially drew me towards the activity but after enjoying the delicate aromas and full flavours of the Cuban Puro, regression to my previous, smoke free life was not an option.
2. What is your favourite cigar?
I have very fond memories of the Hoyo de Monterrey du Maire, an Entreacto size cigar ( 30x100) barely considered a cigar by today’s standards. ‘Entreacto’ translates to ‘between acts’, which is exactly when the cigar was intended to be smoked, during the intervals of theatre productions. This was the first cigar I actively enjoyed. I vividly remember luxuriating in the blue smoke and delicate flavours radiating from this cigar of such an elegant disposition. It is still a smoke I often revisit and one I continue to enjoy.
3. Do you have a favourite lounge or terrace to smoke in?
I very much like to smoke at the Edward Sahakian Lounge at the Bulgari Hotel. A welcoming environment in which one can unwind alongside Cuba’s finest export. The selection is astonishing and guaranteed to surprise you. Much of the walk in humidor’s content I’d not seen in person prior to my first visit, let alone been given the opportunity to set fire to.
4. What cigar do you think is underrated?
A brand I tirelessly promote is San Cristobal de La Habana. I doubt there will ever be a point I grow weary of doing so. A blend that is a pleasure to smoke in all Vitolas present within the portfolio but, in my opinion, most enjoyable in the form of El Principe. The smallest of the three sizes in standard production, this vitola is experiencing a revival post lockdown. A great cigar and one becoming increasingly difficult to get hold of in abundance.